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What is the Accuracy Score?

At its core, the League of Comic Geeks is a community-driven database filled with comics, creators, characters and more. To ensure that database is accurate and high-quality we maintain a set of contribution guidelines to ensure consistency across these entries. These guidelines provide answers and rules to help contributors and continually grow over time. 

After a contributor reaches a threshold of 1,000 contributor points, the Accuracy Score is revealed. The Accuracy Score reflects the contributor's understanding of the contribution guidelines and accurate contributions.

The Accuracy Score starts at 100 and then receives debits and credits depending on the result of a contribution.

Debits are made from the following:
  • Disapproved contributions -1
  • Inaccurate/Fraudulent sales data contribution -1
  • Inaccurate contributions (flagged) -2
  • Inaccurate Moderation (flagged) -3
Credits are made from the following:
  • Every 100 Contributor Points +1
  • Approved Verification requests +1
  • Winning vote on a Verification Request +1
While the Accuracy Score is reference point for contributors to understand how they are doing, it does also impact your Contributor Rank.
  • Contributor Rank 3+ requires a maintenance of >=95 Accuracy Score
  • Contributor Rank 2 requires a maintenance of >=90 Accuracy Score
Should you ever find your rank downgraded due to your Accuracy Score, we recommend brushing up on the contribution guidelines and reviewing the flagged contributions for what went wrong. Note that this is a temporary downgrade, as you can continue to submit corrections for approval and gain Accuracy Score from the credits above.

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