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How does the Community Feed work?

The Community Feed is the hub for all community content. By default, it will display multiple types of content:
  • Community Posts: A post shared with everyone. Similar to something like a tweet.
  • Comic Discussions: A discussion thread posted to a comic.
  • Comic Reviews: A review thread posted to a comic.
  • Community Lists: A public list created by a user.
These content types will be sorted in your feed based on how they are trending, similar to how other social media platforms operate. Various metrics propel content to the top depending on context and engagement. Engagement is a critical metric for content to be "trending". For example, when users elect to hide a post or block the user, it can eventually limit the content's ability to climb the feed, while "likes" and other engagement metrics can propel it up when needed. 

Alternatively, the feed can be customized to sort by Newest to always display the newest threads at the top, regardless of their engagement or latest responses.

The Community Feed can be filtered in three ways:
  • Trending: The default feed content featuring trending content from the whole community.
  • Followed: Content from users you follow only. This includes additional content types allowing you to quickly jump into discussions had by users you follow.
  • Retro: Filter down to comic discussions and reviews from 2010 and earlier. This is immensely helpful for back issue conversations and avoiding spoilers on modern titles.

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