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What is a Pull List?

A Pull List is a list of comics you are interested in picking up or reading. Generally, most comic shops allow you to set up a Pull List so you can have those comics set aside upon release to be picked up. This way, you won't miss them in case they are sold out. Some shops offer discounts for using a Pull List because it informs them which comics they need to order for their store. It's very helpful for them and you.

For the League of Comic Geeks, the Pull List can be printed or sent to your favorite comic shop. Alternatively, you can simply keep your Pull List as a way to track the releases you need to pick up on your own. Some use the mobile app or print out the list for their trip to the store. It helps to remember which ones you need to pick up.

Clicking "Pull" on any upcoming release will add that comic to your Pull List.

Of course, if you know you're always going to want to pull comics from a series, you can "Subscribe" to it and therefore pull all future issues automatically. The series will appear in your Pull List Subscriptions for you to manage in the future just in case you want to drop it or change what formats you're interested in.

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